
If you wish to speak to a Dr or arrange an appointment please phone the surgery or 01863 766379.
A telephone consultation will be organised for you with a doctor in the first instance. The receptionist will ask you for a brief reason for the call in order for the doctor to prioritise the call. The GP will then arrange any further action necessary including arranging a face to face appointment at a time that is convenient. This will usually be on the same day or a day that is suitable for you.
If you feel that your condition is urgent, please convey this to the receptionist, who will fit you in as soon as possible.
Preference of Doctor
You will not be registered with any particular doctor, but you can request to see the doctor of your choice. This may mean a longer wait for an appointment.
Medical Students
We take students from Aberdeen University usually for a period of 6-8 weeks for experience in general practice as part of their undergraduate medical training.
We hope you will enjoy helping with their learning as we know they appreciate their time in our practice. We hope we are able to give them experience which will be highly beneficial for their future careers.
You will always be advised in advance of the presence of a student and can ask for them to leave at any time. This will not prejudice your care in any way.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.